Aviary Audio
Website for my C++ audio plugin development side-project.
Tech used: JUCE, React, Tailwind
Aviary is a one-man plugin production project by me, Dave.
I've been using audio plugins throughout all of my productions and found that I acquired a certain taste of which plugins I liked to use and which ones I didn't.
For a while I was under the impression that all the plugins that could have existed already exists, but seeing smaller developers create the wildest plugins I've ever seen sparked a desire to contribute my own interesting plugin ideas to the market.
I don't pay too much attention to hardware emulation and so I don't go out of my way to recreate the sound of a specific piece of hardware, but I do try to make plugins that are fun to use and that can be used in a variety of different ways. If it means I model a certain characteristic of analog equipment because it sounds great, then so be it.
I hope you like the plugins I offer.
Other projects

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Cards Against Australia - MACathon 2022
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