
Hello! I'm Davit Gogiberidze
I am a student currently studying Bachelor of Computer Science at Monash University. I currently mentor students at Melbourne High School's Robotics Club, where I help students with programming autonomous robots in Python and C++.
I immerse myself into the art of creation, whether that be with my music (davz.com) or with my programming projects.

Spotify Universe, rendering 100k artists in the browser
My first experiences with a programming language was Game Maker Language on Game Maker 8 when I was little. I can't say I was very good at it, but it paved the way for future discoveries.
I then started learning Javascript, taking notes in a notebook (for whatever reason) on the floor of my dad's shop, following along with Codecademy tutorials on my Intel Celeron laptop that was on the verge of losing all it's data in the next several months. Little did I know that this would be the beginning of something very special.
Fast forward to when I was 17, learning React for the first time as part of my VCE 3/4 Software Development folio projects. I made a website that did simple searching and manipulation of a list of postcodes in local storage.

Ok, it looked a bit rough around the edges.
Despite the subpar quality, this was the start of my learning journey with React, driven by curiosity, learning and discovery.
In early April 2022, I teamed up with three other second year students in university to participate in the 2022 MACathon hackathon event (sponsored by Canva, Atlassian, Google, IMC). Teams had to come up with a solution in 48 hours that “solved a problem for everyday Australians”.

Just in time for the elections.

I was very proud of this feature
I collaborated with the rest of my members to provide major contributions to all aspects of the website, and when problems would arise, we would quickly solve them and move on to other problems or features we needed to implement. Our team worked harmoniously well together, and we eventually won first place overall in the competition and won the Canva sponsor prize.
I currently mentor at the Melbourne High School Robotics Club which requires a lot of teamwork between mentors to try and solve issues that club members are having. Before graduating from Melbourne High School myself, I have worked in a few teams programming autonomous robots that play soccer for the Robocup Junior states and nationals competition.
During 2018 and 2019 (before COVID), both teams I was a part of participated in the RoboCup Junior competitions, placing runner up in 2018 and making semi-finals in 2019 nationals.
I am currently looking for internships for 2023. I am interested in software development, web development, and data science. I am also interested in working with startups and small businesses.